HELIO Monitoring

The potential impact of AI on the life sciences industry is incalculable.  We are here to help guide you through this new type of “compliance culture” which will be seen for years to come.

HELIO Monitoring empowers our clients with state-of-the-art technology strengthened by our Life Sciences Expertise.

  • Our Platform provides seamless expansion to all monitoring capabilities – Communications, Transactions, Live Monitoring, and beyond.

  • It is Automated, allowing you to efficiently monitor on a much greater scale than ever before.

  • HELIO’s team of industry experts and engineers provide a holistic support system.

  • We have been building compliance tools embedded with artificial intelligence since 2015.

  • Our tools are built byLife Science Compliance Professionals for Life Science Compliance Professionals to serve the unique needs of our industry.

How To Get Started

HELIO Monitoring is an automated AI solution that helps you identify and address compliance risks efficiently and effectively. All you need to do is Plan, Detect & Respond. 


We develop customizable monitoring plans based on annual business activities.


HELIO AI digests numerous data sets (internal & external) to automatically detect potential risks. It assesses and prioritizes potential compliance issues and provides simple findings in a digestible, actionable manner.


It provides simplified recommendations  to respond to highlighted risks. Customized dashboard tracks performance over time to anticipate and prevent future potential risks.

Compliance: Early Detection Superior to Keyword Searches

HELIO Monitoring uses AI to detect anomalies much earlier than  traditional keyword searches. We are more likely to catch:


Bad actors are constantly evolving their use of digital communications platforms to avoid detection by monitoring tools.


Traditional tools rely on identifying relevant materials based on the number of times the term appears, but as volumes increase, the ability to separate red flags from the rest of the dataset becomes less reliable.


The traditional approach creates a correlation between increasing false-positives each time the list of keywords increases, this forces teams to go through lengthy trial-and-error processes to find the ”right” number of hits.

How It Works

HELIO Monitoring uses AI to remove “white noise” and identify compliance anomalies.

  1. Utilize Natural Language Processing to understand ”intent” 

  2. Apply Automatic Anomaly Detection to  identify deviations from standard conversations.

  3. Deploy machine learning to train AI to identify areas of compliance risk

  4. Robust workflow for identified areas of risk, resolving all open issues

Case Studies

Email Monitoring X 10

  • Struggling to use native technology tools to conduct routine email monitoring, a growing Biopharmaceutical Company wanted to more efficiently conduct email reviews to measure the effectiveness of its controls, policies, and procedures.

  • Through a mix of keyword searches, random sampling, and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, HELIO Monitoring quickly scanned more than 100,000 emails, flagging 1,500 as potentially problematic. The Company leveraged HELIO’s unique workflow to escalate issues of potential non-compliance within the organization.

  • The Company’s compliance team saw increased efficiency and productivity, processing and reviewing emails 10 times faster. Additionally, HELIO’s unique NLP models allowed for additional insights into potential issues which traditional keyword searches would not have uncovered.

  • A leading Biotech Company wanted to move compliance from “bolt-on” to “built-in”, further embedding compliance into the Company’s culture.

  • Using HELIO’s best-in-class dashboarding, commercial business leaders were provided direct access to unique, real-time compliance dashboards. The dashboards were tailored specifically to their areas of authority by utilizing HELIO’s flexibility and top-rated data security.

  • By building compliance into the DNA of the business, the company was more connected. This allowed its leaders to assess the compliance health of their organization more actively -- and proactively address any issues.

A More Dashing Dashboard

We put the Tech in BioTech

  • A Top 10 Biotech Company needed to merge multiple disparate data sets to effectively and holistically review their HCP Speaker Programs, Patient Speaker Programs, and T&E HCP Meals.

  • Using HELIO automated monitoring, they created a single repository to house their monitoring efforts and track the closure and resolution of each potential issue. This allowed them to generate more holistic insights across monitoring activities.

  • The automated datasets were immediately simplified. The company was also able to significantly broaden the scope and breadth of their monitoring efforts without increasing monitoring time or headcount.

Finding Problems before they become problems

  • A Pharmaceutical Company wanted to review emails from employees in various departments (e.g., medical, sales, market access, marketing) to identify potential policy violations and better understand the nature and context of cross-functional team interactions.

  • Leveraging keyword search and Natural Language Processing (NLP), HELIO successfully identified potentially problematic topics of discussion between groups and gained a deeper understanding of communication content and context.

  • The company received useful compliance insights to better identify where risks may lay or more training might be required. They were able to leverage HELIO’s flexible business rules engine to create unique rules for each group.